The FOFIF is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization based in New York. Your donations are tax deductible.

Donating helps The FOFIF do what we do best!

100% of your donation goes towards The FOFIF Short Film Fund, curation and programming, FOFIF Distribution, building community, and staffing.

Donate to The future of film is female here!

We are a small non-profit organization but we are mighty! In fact, 2024 was our most significant year: we doubled the amount of screenings, supported nine new filmmakers through our Short Film Fund, and expanded into distribution with our first release, Hannah Peterson’s THE GRADUATES.

As we enter our seventh year, our mission is to offer 40+ screenings in cinemas around the country, introducing audiences to brand new works and under-seen classics, transform our Short Film Fund to further benefit filmmakers; and release 1-2 films for bespoke distribution.

Your donation - from $5 to $5000 - will help us tremendously in achieving our goals for 2025 as we continue the fight for gender equity in film.